Category: Education
A Guide to Stablecoins
When we talk about cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin and Ethereum come to most people’s minds, which passes onto Decentralize and Open finance. But this should not be the case since I don’t see in any foreseeable future using BTC or ETH as fiat currency for many reasons that I will have to explain in another post. The…
Dont Panic!!! Its just another crypto Bloodbath
This week marked another “Bloodbath” in the crypto space as I was finishing my latest article. As this happened, I had to stop and write this piece because I thought it was necessary. If you are new to the crypto space, you could panic. Now I can’t tell you how to feel, but know I…
My Journey to the NFT world with NBA Top Shot.
Now, if you deal with Cryptocurrencies in general, you have heard the NFT word many times. It’s been the craze in 2021, and the trend is ongoing. Instead of explaining what it is and how to use I will go on a different route. I’m going to describe my experience with a very popular NFT…
What is Cefi?
Like every Ying, there is a Yang; with every Batman, there is a Joker, and when it comes to Defi, there is his more affable or evil brother (depends how you look at it) Cefi. Now, what in the world is Cefi or Centralize Finance? This answer depends on who you ask. So I will…
Will Decentralized Finance be the Next Financial Disruptor?
originally posted on my Publish0x profile. Time for straight talk! For over several decades, the financial system and institutions have shown alignment with those with the most means. Exuberant banking fees, high-interest rates, and penalties have left too many indebted, at the mercy of those who are enriching themselves. Make no mistake, I support capitalism…
What is Defi?
So I guess the first thing we should ask ourselves is: What in the hell is Defi? You may think this would be an easy thing to explain, but it’s not. Explaining this will depend on who you ask; the definition should be pretty standardized, but this is a very young field, so what we…
Crypto Advice for Beginners in the Covid Era
This was originally written on my Publish0x page. A crisis leads to crisis thinking. Countries all around the world have taken mass actions to minimize the immediate economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, these actions will result in long-term consequences that we may not be able to bear. Measures including significant wage subsidies,…
Welcome to Atlantic Defi
So to start, this is not a financial advice blog because I’m not a financial advisor. This blog is more of a personal blog. I will be writing about Cryptocurrency, centralized finance (Cefi), fintech, and of course, decentralize finance (Defi). You will get my perspective and explanation of protocols, applications, exchanges, among other things. You…